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Molecular descriptor definations in VLife QSAR
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A. Physicochemical descriptors class: (total 239 descriptors)
Physicochemical descriptors are based on the physicochemical properties of molecule. Sub classes of hysicochemical descriptors are as follows.
1. Individual
2. Retention Index (chi)
3. Atomic valence connectivity index (chiv)
4. Path Count
5. Chi Chain
6. Chiv Chain
7. Chain Path Count
8. Cluster
9. Path Cluster
10. Kappa
11. Element Count
12. Dipole Moment
13. Electrostatic
14. Distance Based Topological
15. Estate numbers
16. Estate Contributions
17. Information Theory Index
18. Semi Empirical
19. Hydrophobicity XlogpA
20. Hydrophobicity XlogpK
21. Hydrophobicity SlogpA
22. Hydrophobicity SlogpK
23. Polar Surface Area
Various physicochemical descriptors are as follows.
  1. Sub class: Individual
    i. Mol.Wt: This descriptor signifies molecular weight of a compound.
    ii. Volume: This descriptor signifies volume of a compound.
    iii. H-AcceptorCount: Number of hydrogen bond acceptor atoms
    iv. H-DonorCount: : Number of hydrogen bond donor atoms
    v. RotatableBondCount: Number of rotatable bonds
    vi. XlogP: This descriptor signifies ratio of solute concentration in octanol & water and generally termed as     Octanol Water partition Coefficient. This is atom based evaluation of logP as described in Wang et al.)
    vii. slogp: This descriptor signifies log of the octanol/water partition coefficient (including implicit hydrogens).      This property is an atomic contribution model [Crippen 1999] that calculates logP from the given      structure;i.e., the correct protonation state
    viii. smr: This decriptor evaluates molecular refractivity (including implicit hydrogens) which also measure of      molecular size. This property is an atomic contribution model [Crippen 1999] that assumes the correct      protonation state (washed structures).
    ix. polarizabilityAHC: This descriptor evaluates molecular polarizability using sum of atomic polarizabilities     using the atomic hybrid component (AHC).
    x. polarizabilityAHP: This descriptor evaluates molecular polarizability using atomic hybrid polarizability (AHP).
  2. Sub class: Chi
    i. chi0: This descriptor signifies a retention index (zero order)derived directly from gradient retention times
    ii. chi1: This descriptor signifies a retention index (first order)derived directly from gradient retention times
    iii. chi2: This descriptor signifies a retention index (second order) derived directly from gradient retention     times.
    iv. chi3: This descriptor signifies a retention index (third order)derived directly from gradient retention times
    v. chi4: This descriptor signifies a retention index (fourth order) derived directly from gradient retention     times.
    vi. chi5: This descriptor signifies a retention index (fifth order) derived directly from gradient retention times.
  3. Sub class: Chiv
    i. chiV0: This descriptor signifies atomic valence connectivity index (order 0) from [Hall 1991] and [Hall 1997].    This is calculated as the sum of 1/sqrt(vi) over all heavy atoms i with vi > 0.
    ii. chiV1: This descriptor signifies atomic valence connectivity index (order 1) from [Hall 1991] and [Hall 1997].    This is calculated as the sum of 1/sqrt(vivj) over all bonds between heavy atoms i and j where i < j.
    iii. chiV2: This descriptor signifies atomic valence connectivity index (order 2) from [Hall 1991] and [Hall    1997].
    iv. chiV3: This descriptor signifies atomic valence connectivity index (order 3) from [Hall 1991] and [Hall     1997].
    v. chiV4: This descriptor signifies atomic valence connectivity index (order 4) from [Hall 1991] and [Hall 1997].
    vi. chiV5: This descriptor signifies atomic valence connectivity index (order 5) from [Hall 1991] and [Hall     1997].
  4. Sub class: Path Count
    i. 0PathCount: This descriptor signifies total number of fragments of zero order (atoms) in a compound.
    ii. 1PathCount: This descriptor signifies total number of fragments of first order (bonds) in a compound.
    iii. 2PathCount: This descriptor signifies total number of fragments of second order (two bond path) in a     compound.
    iv. 3PathCount: This descriptor signifies total number of fragments of third order (three bond path) in a     compound.
    v. 4PathCount: This descriptor signifies total number of fragments of fourth order (four bond path) in a     compound.
    vi. 5PathCount: This
  5. Sub class: Chi Chain
    i. chi3chain: This descriptor signifies a retention index for three membered ring.
    ii. chi4chain: This descriptor signifies a retention index for four membered ring.
    iii. chi5chain: This descriptor signifies a retention index for five membered ring.
    iv. chi6chain: This descriptor signifies a retention index for six membered ring.
  6. Sub class: Chiv Chain
    i. chiV3chain: This descriptor signifies atomic valence connectivity index for three membered ring.
    ii. chiV4chain: This descriptor signifies atomic valence connectivity index for four membered ring.
    iii. chiV5chain: This descriptor signifies atomic valence connectivity index for five membered ring
    iv. chiV6chain: This descriptor signifies atomic valence connectivity index for six membered ring
  7. Sub class: Chain Path count
    i. 3ChainCount: This descriptor signifies total number three membered rings in a compound.
    ii. 4ChainCount: This descriptor signifies total number four membered rings in a compound.
    iii. 5ChainCount: This descriptor signifies total number five membered rings in a compound.
    iv. 6ChainCount: This descriptor signifies total number six membered rings in a compound.
  8. Sub class: Cluster
    i. chi3Cluster: This descriptor signifies simple 3rd order cluster chi index in a compound.
    ii. chiV3Cluster: This descriptor signifies valence molecular connectivity index of 3rd order cluster.
    iii. 3ClusterCount: This descriptor signifies total number of fragments of third order cluster in a molecule.
  9. Sub Class: Path Cluster
    i. chi4pathCluster: This descriptor signifies molecular connectivity index of 4th order pathcluster.
    ii. chiV4pathCluster: This descriptor signifies valence molecular connectivity index of 3rd order pathcluster.
    iii. 4pathClusterCount: This descriptor signifies total number of fragments of fourth order pathcluster in a     molecule.
  10. Sub Class: Kappa
    i. kappa1: This descriptor signifies first kappa shape index: (n-1)2 / m2 [Hall 1991]
    ii. kappa2: This descriptor signifies second kappa shape index: (n-1)2 / m2 [Hall 1991]
    iii. kappa3: This descriptor signifies third kappa shape index: (n-1) (n-3)2 / p32 for odd n, and (n- 3) (n-2)2      /p32 for even n [Hall 1991]
    iv. k1alpha: This descriptor signifies first alpha modified shape index: s (s-1)2 / m2 where s = n + a [Hall     1991]
    v. k2alpha: This descriptor signifies second alpha modified shape index: s (s-1)2 / m2 where s = n + a [Hall     1991]
    vi. k3alpha: This descriptor signifies third alpha modified shape index: (n-1) (n-3)2 / p32 for odd n, and (n-3)     (n-2)2 / p32 for even n where s = n + a [Hall 1991]
  11. Sub Class: Element Count
    i. HydrogensCount: This descriptor signifies number of hydrogen atoms in a compound.
    ii. CarbonsCount: This descriptor signifies number of carbon atoms in a compound.
    iii. SulfursCount : This descriptor signifies number of sulphur atoms in a compound.
    iv. OxygensCount: This descriptor signifies number of oxygen atoms in a compound.
    v. NitrogensCount: This descriptor signifies number of nitrogen atoms in a compound.
    vi. ChlorinesCount: This descriptor signifies number of chlorine atoms in a compound.
    vii. FluorinesCount: This descriptor signifies number of fluorine atoms in a compound.
    viii. BrominesCount: This descriptor signifies number of bromine atoms in a compound.
    ix. IodinesCount: This descriptor signifies number of iodine atoms in a compound.
  12. Sub Class: Dipole Moment
    i. XcompDipole : This descriptor signifies the x component of the dipole moment (external coordinates).
    ii. YcompDipole : This descriptor signifies the y component of the dipole moment (external coordinates).
    iii. ZcompDipole : This descriptor signifies the z component of the dipole moment (external coordinates).
    iv. DipoleMoment: This descriptor signifies dipole moment calculated from the partial charges of the molecule.
    v. Quadrupole1: This descriptor signifies magnitude of first tensor of quadrupole moments.
    vi. Quadrupole2: This descriptor signifies magnitude of second tensor of quadrupole moments.
    vii. Quadrupole3: This descriptor signifies magnitude of third tensor of quadrupole moments.
  13. Sub class: Electrostatic
    i. vdWSurfaceArea: This descriptor signifies total van der Waals surface area of the molecule.
    ii. +vePotentialSurfaceArea: This descriptor signifies total van der Waals surface area with positive     electrostatic potential of the molecule.
    iii. -vePotentialSurfaceArea: This descriptor signifies total van der Waals surface area with negative
        electrostatic potential of the molecule.
    iv. Most+vePotential: This descriptor signifies the highest value of +ve electrostatic potential on van der     Waals surface area of the molecule.
    v. Most-vePotential: This descriptor signifies the highest value of -ve electrostatic potential on van der Waals     surface area of the molecule.
    vi. AveragePotential: This descriptor signifies average of the total electrostatic potential on van der Waals     surface area of the molecule.
    vii. Average+vePotential: This descriptor signifies the average of the total +ve electrostatic potential on van     der Waals surface area of the molecule.
    viii. Average-vePotential: This descriptor signifies the average of the total -ve electrostatic potential on van     der Waals surface area of the molecule.
    ix. Most+ve&-vePotentailDistance: This descriptor signifies the distance between points having the highest     value of +ve and highest value of –ve electrostatic potential on van der Waals surface area of the     molecule.
  14. Sub Class: Distance based Topological
    i. DistTopo: This descriptor signifies distance based topological index.
    ii. ConnectivityIndex: This signifies a numeric descriptor derived from molecular topology.
    iii. WienerIndex : This descriptor signifies the sum of the numbers of edges in shortest paths in a chemical     graph between all pairs of non-hydrogen atoms in a molecule.
    iv. RadiusOfGyration: This descriptor signifies size descriptor for the distribution of atomic masses in a     molecule.
    v. MomInertiaX : This descriptor signifies moment of interia at X-axix
    vi. MomInertiaY : This descriptor signifies moment of interia at Y-axix
    vii. MomInertiaZ : This descriptor signifies moment of interia at Z-axix
    viii. BalabanIndexJ:
        Where dsi, dsj = sum of the row i and j of the distance matrix
        E = number of edges
        µ = Number of rings in a molecule.
    ix. BalabanB:
        Where di = Number of vertices deleted at each step
        N = Number of all vertices
    x. BalabanC:
        C = (1/ 2)(B - 2N + U)
        Where B = Balaban B index
        N = Number of all vertices
        U = [1-(-1)N]
    xi. BalabanQ:
        Where V3 = Number of vertices of degree 3
        V4 = Number of vertices of degree 4
    xii. BalabanCdash:
        Where B = Balaban B index
        N = Number of all vertices and U = [1-(-1)N]
    xiii. BalabanQdash:
        Where V3 = Number of vertices of degree 3
        V4 = Number of vertices of degree 4
        N = Number of all vertices
    xiv. HosoyaIndex: This descriptor signifies the topological index or Z index of a graph is the total number of     matching in it plus 1 ("plus 1" accounts for the number of matchings with 0 edges).
        Where, p(G,k) = Number of ways in which K edges from all bonds of a graph G may be chosen
        so that no two of them are adjacent
  15. Sub class: Estate Numbers
    i. SsCH3count: This descriptor defines the total number of –CH3 group connected with single bond
    ii. SdCH2count: This descriptor defines the total number of –CH2 group connected with double bond
    iii. SssCH2count : This descriptor defines the total number of –CH2 group connected with two single bonds
    iv. StCHcount: This descriptor defines the total number of –CH group connected with triple bond
    v. SdsCHcount: This descriptor defines the total number of –CH group connected with one double and one     single bond.
    vi. SaaCHcount: This descriptor defines the total number of carbon atoms connected with a hydrogen along     with two aromatic bonds.
    vii. SsssCHcount: This descriptor defines the total number of –CH group connected with three single bond.
    viii. SddCcount: This descriptor defines total number of carbon atoms (= C =) with two double bonds present       in the   molecule.
    ix. StsCcount: This descriptors defines total number of carbon atoms (- C ) with a triple bond and a single      bond present in the molecule.
    x. SdssCcount: This descriptor defines the total number of carbon connected with one double and two single     bond.
    xi. SaasCcount: This descriptor defines the total number of carbon connected with one single bond along     with two aromatic bonds.
    xii. SaaaCcount: This descriptor defines the total number of carbon connected with three aromatic bonds.
    xiii. SssssCcount: This descriptor defines the total number of carbon connected with four single bonds.
    xiv. SsNH3count: This descriptor defines the total number of –NH3 group connected with one single bond.
    xv. SsNH2count: This descriptor defines the total number of –NH2 group connected with one single bond.
    xvi. SssNH2count : This descriptor defines the total number of –NH2 group connected with two single bonds.
    xvii. SdNHcount: This descriptor defines the total number of –NH group connected with one double bond.
    xviii. SssNHcount: This descriptor defines the total number of –NH group connected with two single bond.
    xix. SaaNHcount: This descriptor defines the total number of –NH group connected with two aromatic bonds.
    xx. StNcount: This descriptor defines the total number of nitrogen connected with triple bond.
    xxi. SsssNHcount: This descriptor defines the total number of –NH group connected with three single bonds.
    xxii. SdsNcount: This descriptor defines the total number of nitrogen connected with one single and one        double bond.
    xxiii. SaaNcount: This descriptor defines the total number of nitrogen connected with two aromatic bonds.
    xxiv. SsssNcount: This descriptor defines the total number of nitrogen connected with three single bonds.
    xxv. SddsN(nitro)count: This descriptor defines the total number of nitro group connected with one single         and two double bonds.
    xxvi. SaasN(Noxide)count : This descriptor defines the total number of nitro oxide group connected with one         single along with two aromatic bonds.
    xxvii. SssssN(onium)count : This descriptor defines the total number of N- onium group connected with four         single bonds.
    xxviii. SsOHcount: This descriptor defines the total number of –OH group connected with one single bond.
    xxix. SdOcount: This descriptor defines the total number of oxygen connected with one double bond.
    xxx. SssOcount: This descriptor defines the total number of oxygen connected with two single bonds.
    xxxi. SaaOcount: This descriptor defines the total number of oxygen connected with two aromatic bonds.
    xxxii. SsPH2count: This descriptor defines the total number of –PH2 group connected with one single bond.
    xxxiii. SssPHcount: This descriptor defines the total number of –PH group connected with two single bonds.
    xxxiv. SsssPcount: This descriptor defines the total number of phosphorous atom connected with three           single bonds.
    xxxv. SdsssPcount: This descriptor defines the total number of phosphorous atom connected with three          single bonds and one double bond.
    xxxvi. SsssssPcount: This descriptor defines the total number of phosphorous atom connected with five           single bonds.
    xxxvii. SsSHcount: This descriptor defines the total number of –SH group connected with one single bond.
    xxxviii. SdScount: This descriptor defines the total number of sulphur atom connected with one double bond.
    xxxix. SssScount: This descriptor defines the total number of sulphur atom connected with two single bonds.
    xl. SaaScount: This descriptor defines the total number of sulphur atom connected with two aromatic bonds.
    xli. SdssS(sulfone)count : This descriptor defines the total number of sulphone group connected with two      single and one double bond.
    xlii. SddssS(sulfate)count: This descriptor defines the total number of sulphate group connected with two       single and two double bonds.
    xliii. SsClcount: This descriptor defines the total number of chlorine atom connected with one single bond.
    xliv. SsBrcount: This descriptor defines the total number of bromine atom connected with one single bond.
    xlv. SsIcount: This descriptor defines the total number of iodine atom connected with one single bond.
    xlvi. SsFcount: This descriptor defines the total number of fluorine atom connected with one single bond.
  16. Sub class: Estate contributions
    i. SsCH3E-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of -CH3 group connected with one single bond.
    ii. SdCH2E-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of –CH2 group connected with one double     bond.
    iii. SssCH2E-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of –CH2 group connected with two single     bonds.
    iv. StCHE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of –CH group connected with one triple bond
    v. SdsCHE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of –CH group connected with one double and     one single bond.
    vi. SaaCHE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of –CH group connected with two aromatic     bonds.
    vii. SsssCHE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of –CH group connected with three single       bonds.
    viii. SddCE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of carbon atom connected with two double       bonds.
    ix. StsCE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of carbon atom connected with one triple and      one single bond.
    x. SdssCE-index : Electrotopological state indices for number of carbon atom connected with one double and     two single bonds.
    xi. SaasCE-index : Electrotopological state indices for number of carbon atom connected with one single     bond along with two aromatic bonds.
    xii. SaaaCE-index : Electrotopological state indices for number of carbon atom connected with three aromatic      bonds.
    xiii. SssssCE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of carbon atom connected with four single       bonds.
    xiv. SsNH3E-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of –NH3 group connected with one single       bond.
    xv. SsNH2E-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of –NH2 group connected with one single       bond.
    xvi. SssNH2E-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of –NH2 group connected with two single        bond.
    xvii. SdNHE-index : Electrotopological state indices for number of –NH group connected with one double        bond.
    xviii. SssNHE-index : Electrotopological state indices for number of –NH group connected with two single         bonds.
    xix. SaaNHE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of –NH group connected with two aromatic         bonds.
    xx. StNE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of nitrogen atom connected with one triple bonds.
    xxi. SsssNHE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of –NH group connected with three single        bonds.
    xxii. SdsNEindex: Electrotopological state indices for number of nitrogen atom connected with two double         and one single bond.
    xxiii. SaaNE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of nitrogen atom connected with two aromatic         bonds.
    xxiv. SsssNE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of nitrogen atom connected with three single         bonds.
    xxv. SddsN(nitro)E-index : Electrotopological state indices for number of –nitro group connected with two         double and one single bond.
    xxvi. SaasN(Noxide)E-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of nitro-oxide group connected with         two aromatic and one single bond.
    xxvii. SssssN(onium)E-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of N-onium group connected with          four single bonds.
    xxviii. SsOHE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of –OH group connected with one single         bond.
    xxix. SdOE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of oxygen atom connected with one double         bond.
    xxx. SssOE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of oxygen atom connected with two single
    xxxi. SaaOE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of oxygen atom connected with two aromatic         bonds.
    xxxii. SsPH2E-index : Electrotopological state indices for number of –PH2 group connected with one single           bond.
    xxxiii. SssPHE-index : Electrotopological state indices for number of –PH group connected with two single           bonds.
    xxxiv. SsssPE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of phosphorous atom connected with three           single bonds.
    xxxv. SdsssPE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of phosphorous atom connected with three          single bonds along with one double bond.
    xxxvi. SsssssPE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of phosphorous atom connected with five           single bonds.
    xxxvii. SsSHE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of –SH group connected with one single            bond.
    xxxviii. SdSE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of sulphur atom connected with one double             bond.
    xxxix. SssSE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of sulphur atom connected with two single           bonds.
    xl. SaaSE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of sulphur atom connected with two aromatic      bonds.
    xli. SdssS(sulfone)E-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of sulfone group connected with two       single bonds.
    xlii. SddssS(sulfate)E-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of sulfate group connected with two       single bonds and two double bonds.
    xliii. SsClE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of chlorine connected with one single bond.
    xliv. SsBrE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of bromine connected with one single bond.
    xlv. SsIE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of iodine connected with one single bond.
    xlvi. SsFE-index: Electrotopological state indices for number of fluorine connected with one single bond.
  17. Sub class: Information theory based
    i. Ipc: This is a type of information theory based descriptors.
    ii. IpcAverage: This is a type of information theory based descriptors.
    iii. Id: This is a type of information theory based descriptors.
    iv. IdAverage: This is a type of information theory based descriptors.
    v. Idw: This is a type of information-based descriptors.
    vi. IdwAverage: This is a type of information-based descriptors.
  18. Sub Class: Semi empirical
    i. HUMOEnergy: This descriptor signifies energy of highest occupied molecular orbital.
    ii. LUMOEnergy: This descriptor signifies energy of highest unoccupied molecular orbital.
    iii. HeatOfFormation: This descriptor signifies the heat of formation of a compound.
    iv. IonizationPotential: This descriptor signifies ionization potential of a compound.
    v. SumOfAbsoluteCharges:
    vi. QMDipoleX: Induced dipole moment along X-axis
    vii. QMDipoleY: Induced dipole moment along Y-axis
    viii. QMDipoleZ: Induced dipole moment along Z-axis
    ix. QMDipoleMagnitude: Magnitude of induced dipole moment.
    x. XXPolarizability: Induced polarizability along XX axis
    xi. YYPolarizability: Induced polarizability along YY axis
    xii. ZZPolarizability: Induced polarizability along ZZ axis
    xiii. XYPolarizability: Induced polarizability along XY axis
    xiv. XZPolarizability: Induced polarizability along XZ axis
    xv. YZPolarizability: Induced polarizability along YZ axis
    xvi. AveragePolarizability: Average induced polarizability along all axis.
  19. Sub class: Hydrophobicity XlogpA
    i. XAHydrophobicArea: vdW surface descriptor showing hydrophobic surface area. (By Audry Method using    Xlogp)
    ii. XAHydrophilicArea: vdW surface descriptor showing hydrophilic surface area. (By Audry Method using     Xlogp)
    iii. XAMostHydrophobic: Most hydrophobic value on the vdW surface. (By Audry Method using Xlogp)
    iv. XAMostHydrophilic: Most hydrophilic value on the vdW surface. (By Audry Method using Xlogp)
    v. XAAverage: Average hydophobicity function value. (By Audry Method using Xlogp)
    vi. XAAverageHydrophobicity: Average hydrophobic value on the vdW surface. (By Audry Method using Xlogp)
    vii. XAAverageHydrophilicity: Average hydrophilic value on the vdW surface. (By Audry Method using Xlogp)
    viii. XAMostHydrophobicHydrophilicDistance: This descriptor signifies distance between most hydrophobic and       hydrophilic point on the vdW surface. (By Audry Method using Xlogp)
  20. Sub class: Hydrophobicity XlogpK
    i. XKHydrophobicArea: vdW surface descriptor showing hydrophobic surface area. (By Kellog Method using    Xlogp)
    ii. XKHydrophilicArea: vdW surface descriptor showing hydrophilic surface area. (By Kellog Method using    Xlogp)
    iii. XKMostHydrophobic: Most hydrophobic value on the vdW surface. (By Kellog Method using Xlogp)
    iv. XKMostHydrophilic: Most hydrophilic value on the vdW surface. (By Kellog Method using Xlogp)
    v. XKAverage: Average hydophobicity function value. (By Kellog Method using Xlogp)
    vi. XKAverageHydrophobicity: Average hydrophobic value on the vdW surface. (By Kellog Method using      Xlogp)
    vii. XKAverageHydrophilicity: Average hydrophilic value on the vdW surface. (By Kellog Method using Xlogp)
    viii. XKMostHydrophobicHydrophilicDistance: This descriptor signifies distance between most hydrophobic and       hydrophilic point on the vdW surface. (By Kellog Method using Xlogp)
  21. Sub class: Hydrophobicity SlogpA
    i. SAHydrophobicArea: vdW surface descriptor showing hydrophobic surface area. (By Audry Method using    Slogp)
    ii. SAHydrophilicArea: vdW surface descriptor showing hydrophilic surface area. (By Audry Method using     SlogP)
    iii. SAMostHydrophobic: Most hydrophobic value on the vdW surface. (By Audry Method using Slogp)
    iv. SAMostHydrophilic: Most hydrophilic value on the vdW surface. (By Audry Method using Slogp)
    v. SAAverage: Average hydophobicity function value. (By Audry Method using Slogp)
    vi. SAAverageHydrophobicity: Average hydrophobic value on the vdW surface. (By Audry Method using Slogp)
    vii. SAAverageHydrophilicity: Most hydrophilic value on the vdW surface. (By Audry Method using Slogp)
    viii. SAMostHydrophobicHydrophilicDistance: This descriptor signifies distance between most hydrophobic and       hydrophilic point on the vdW surface. (By Audry Method using Slogp)
  22. Sub class: Hydrophobicity SlogpK
    i. SKHydrophobicArea: vdW surface descriptor showing hydrophobic surface area. (By Kellog Method using    Slogp)
    ii. SKHydrophilicArea: vdW surface descriptor showing hydrophilic surface area. (By Kellog Method using     Slogp)
    iii. SKMostHydrophobic: Most hydrophobic value on the vdW surface. (By Kellog Method using Slogp)
    iv. SKMostHydrophilic: Most hydrophilic value on the vdW surface. (By Kellog Method using Slogp)
    v. SKAverage: Average hydophobicity function value. (By Kellog Method using Slogp)
    vi. SKAverageHydrophobicity: Average hydrophobic value on the vdW surface. (By Kellog Method using      Slogp)
    vii. SKAverageHydrophilicity: Average hydrophilic value on the vdW surface. (By Kellog Method using Slogp)
    viii. SKMostHydrophobicHydrophilicDistance: This descriptor signifies distance between most hydrophobic and       hydrophilic point on the vdW surface. (By Kellog Method using Slogp)
  23. Sub class: Polar Surface Area
    i. PolarSurfaceAreaExcludingPandS: This descriptor signifies total polar surface area excluding phosphorous    and sulphur.
    ii. PolarSurfaceAreaIncludingPandS: This descriptor signifies total polar surface area including phosphorous    and sulphur.
B. Alignment Independent (AI) descriptors class: (more than 700 descriptors)
Alignment Independent descriptors are calculated as discussed in Baumann’s paper [1]. For calculation of AI descriptors every atom in the molecule was assigned at least one and at most three attributes. The first attribute is ‘T-attribute’ to thoroughly characterize the topology of the molecule. The second attribute is the atom type. The atom symbol is used here. The third attribute is assigned to atoms taking part in a double or triple bond. After all atoms have been assigned their respective attributes, selective distancecount statistics for all combinations of different attributes are computed [1]. A selective distance count statistic ‘XY2’ (e.g. ‘TOPO2N3) counts all the fragments between start atom with attribute ‘X’ (e.g. ‘2’ double bonded atom) and end atom with attribute ‘Y’ (e.g. ‘N’) separated by the graph distance 3. The graph distance can be defined as the smallest number of atoms along the path connecting two atoms in molecular structure. In this study to calculate AI descriptors, we have used following attributes: 2 (double bonded atom), 3(triple bonded atom), C, N, O, S, H, F, Cl, Br and I and the distance range of 0 to 7.
Some other examples are as follows:
   i. T_2_O_7: This is the count of number of double bounded atoms (i.e. any double bonded atom, T_2) separated       from Oxygen atom by 7 bonds in a molecule.
  ii. T_2_N_5: This is the count of number of double bounded atoms (i.e. any double bonded atom, T_2) separated       from Nitrogen atom by 5 bonds.
  iii. T_N_N_5: This is the count of number of Nitrogen atoms (single double or triple bonded) separated from any       other Nitrogen atom (single double or triple bonded) by 5 bonds in a molecule.
  iv. T_2_2_6: This is the count of number of double bounded atoms (i.e. any double bonded atom, T_2) separated       from any other double bonded atom by 6 bonds in a molecule.
  v. T_C_O_1: This is the count of number of Carbon atoms (single double or triple bonded) separated from any       Oxygen atom (single or double bonded) by 1 bond distance in a molecule.
  vi. T_O_Cl_5: This is the count of number of Oxygen atoms (single double or triple bonded) separated from        Chlorine atom by 5 bond distance in a molecule.
Similarly around 700 alignment independent descriptors can be generated considering topology of the molecule, atom type & bond.
C. Atom type count descriptors class: (total 99 descriptors)
The atom type count descriptors are based on MMFF atom types and their count in each molecule. In MMFF, there are 99 atom types and hence 99 descriptors indicating number of times that atom type has occurred in a given molecule are generated.
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